

I’m a digital nomad and designer that likes to…

Explore, Research,

and Craft

Product Solutions

Latest Project Work


Things I keep in mind for every project.

Don’t Be Clingy

Aka humble thyself. Every designer dreads having to start over. Spending all night pushing pixels only to have a usability test go poorly and wiping the slate clean. In my experience this gets to be less common as your experience grows. However, its still a necessary part of the process. Whether its internal stakeholder reviews, customer interviews, a/b testing, surveys, questionnaires, etc…the process is about failing, quickly making changes, and trying again. A humbling experience that accurately reflects what it means to learn any craft.

Keep it Modular

We’re bakin a cake, what are the common ingredients? Plug’n Play component libraries are all the rage now and for good reason. Product designers identify common and repeatable user interactions into a well defined design system. These ui patterns are then referenced by engineers during the development process. This provides a consistent user experience for customers and these modular pieces save product teams a boat load of time and energy.

Make it Accessible

A consistent experience for all users. Another tenet of UX that I have grown to appreciate more and more over the course of my career. I am well versed in WCAG best practices such as color contrast, readable type, multi-language support, and mobile first responsive layouts. In addition, I’ve helped build user interfaces that are compliant with modern screen readers and navigable exclusively by keyboards. While this can take a lot of extra time and energy it is so stink’n important. To ensure the user experience is consistent across a broad demographic of users, accessing your product from a multitude of devices.